Infant Classes

We are pleased to offer care for infants starting at 6 weeks of age. Currently, we have two infant classrooms that are broken down by ages and developmental stages. We host a low infant-to-teacher ratio, ensuring that our children enrolled get the best care and attention possible. Our mission in the infant room is to carefully provide all the baby’s needs, to nurture the baby’s total development, and foster a warm and supporting baby/caregiver interaction at all times.

Transitional & Toddler Classes

Our toddler classrooms are a wonderful environment full of high-energy little ones who were not-so-long-ago infants. These children now possess the ability to walk, and they will be up on their feet exploring this new form of movement constantly. At this point in their lives, reading becomes cooperative, they are interested in what their peers are doing, and their actions are becoming purposeful and integrated. We staff our classroom with teachers trained through the Profession Development Registry. They are well equipped to provide a warm and secure environment for these precious children, with blossoming, unique, and social personalities.

Young 2's Class

The young 2’s classroom is full of children developing language and communication skills. They have a high level of comprehension, but say few words. Of course, the only constant is change, so as the school year progresses, we will hear more vocabulary, more questions, and more 4-5 word sentences from the children. Our teachers are able-bodied and are very flexible with the up-and-down movements associated with holding and playing alongside transitional 2 year old children. They are well equipped with knowledge of the developmental stages of young 2’s and are trained through Professional Development Registry.

Older 2's Class

There is a lot of fun going on in the Older 2’s classroom. The Older 2’s can have up to 12 students at one time, led by two loving teachers who are trained through the Professional Development Registry. This developmental age group is very unique: they are establishing an independent identity, are curious about everything, are developing a longer attention span, and they are equipped with a wide variety of very strong emotions. The older toddler is said to have an average of a moderate conflict once every 3 minutes and major conflicts three times every hour. We expect it, embrace it, and are not upset by it. With their strong emotions, they show deep love for their teachers, and we love them just as strongly right back.

Young 3's Class

The young 3’s classroom is a wonderful, special place in our school, led by inspired teachers who are trained through the Professional Development Registry program. These young 3 year-olds are at a prime age where they have a growing sense of right & wrong, they are exhibiting spatial awareness and hand dominance (which will allow them to begin writing with a pencil), and they are always eager to learn and to show off what they know. We follow an approved preschool curriculum in this room as well as all of our classrooms, which include a weekly bible story, theme, social-emotional issue, color, number, letter, and shape.

Older 3's Class

The children in our Older 3’s class are led by qualified teachers as is our older two class, young 3’s and Pre-K. These 3, almost 4 year-olds are full of energy. We utilize the emerging power of imagination in this developmental age group, as play is how they learn. They can count to 20, recognize numbers 1-10, colors, follow a 3-step process, and they’re learning 50 new words a month. Their vocabulary is exploding and they are eager to learn. We affirm their abilities and challenge what they’ve learned, in order to allow the children to take control of the learning process.


This class is comprised of students who are preparing to enter Kindergarten. A trained and certified teacher leads our Pre-K students and guides them through an approved curriculum that develops their gross and fine motor skills, literacy, social-emotional abilities, and math skills. These 4 year-olds are eager to please, ready to learn, and full of life. These children are preparing to enter kindergarten and as such, they will develop the skills and abilities to be star citizens. At this age, their cognitive abilities become involved in more complex imaginary play. They understand order and process, cooperate with playmates, and have an understanding of moral reasoning. We focus on name writing, math skills, literacy, music, social-emotional skills, and more.

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