What is a Christian Disciple?

There are many different kinds of disciples in the world. We have political disciples, sports disciples, or even twitter disciples. To say it another way, there are individuals who commit themselves to follow a particular person, activity, or ideology. While these followers may not necessarily designate themselves using the term disciple, they fit the description as one who adheres to or is a pupil of another allowing that person, idea, or activity to influence the way they think, feel, and act in the world. A Christian disciple is one who has chosen to follow Jesus Christ. At Asbury, we are people who have committed ourselves to following Jesus Christ and allow his life, death, and resurrection to influence the way we think, feel, and act in the world. Such is a commitment is a lifelong endeavor of learning to live into a new way of life. Thus, whether it is through a formal Sunday school class, a small group that meets during the week, or the various short term studies throughout the year, our hope is to grow into mature disciples. We hope you will be able to find a place to fit and join us on the journey no matter where you may be in it. Take time to explore the various offerings we have for Adults to grow in faith. If you have any questions or don’t see what you are looking for contact the Pastor of Discipleship, Rev. Heather Rose.

Sunday School Classes

There are a variety of Sunday School Classes at Asbury and each is unique in its own way. Moreover, we always love having people visit and join us! Find a class which interests you and come and join us any Sunday morning at 10:00 am.

Next Phase (Ages 30-40s)  – Room 104

Our class is composed of a large group of young adults. Some of us are married, some of us are single. We gather on Sundays to study the Bible or curriculum based on current events or topics. We also are involved in a variety of service projects as well as join together in social activities for holidays or other special occasions throughout the year.

Horizons (Ages 45-65) – Room 103

The Horizons Sunday School Class consists of a diverse group of couples and singles from our 40s to our 60s.  Our class members volunteer to lead our lively Sunday discussions.  Our curriculum includes studying books of the Bible, current events and other related topics.  Ultimately our goal is to draw nearer to God and remain close and accountable to one another.  We enjoy getting together for fun activities and also support Asbury’s outreach projects and church life.  While some of our members have been together for several years, we always welcome visitors and new members to stop in and give us a look.

Foundations (Ages 40-60s) – Room 102

On Sundays, we spend our time studying the Bible. We often pick a book of the Bible and work our way through that book discussing what it means and its importance for our lives today. We invite anyone and everyone to participate in our discussion! Moreover, we are active in the life of the church from being involved in the prison ministry, the music ministry, and beyond. We love our church and love to serve in it.

Emmanuel (Ages 50-60s) – Room 125

We gather each Sunday to discuss Scripture, do an occasional video based study, or have an occasional guest speaker. We are also involved in a variety of mission projects including: Stone Soup (a homeless feeding program), Disability Support Group, and Stew Pot (another feeding program). We are active in our community as well as enjoy getting together to support one another and have fun. We would love for you to be part of our class.

Mahalo (Ages 20-65)  – Room 121

Mahalo is a new adult Sunday School class welcoming all ages and stages of life. Each week, a passage of Scripture from the NIV Standard Lesson Commentary is discussed. Mahalo aims to be a supportive fellowship that learns, prays, and enjoys social activities together. “Mahalo” is a Hawaiian word meaning to live in constant gratitude.

New Directions (Ages 50-90s) – Room 227

We’re New Directions– an Asbury Sunday School class where you’ll feel at home here with friendships unsurpassed. There are doctors, lawyers, bankers and clergyman, data processors, teachers, builders and surgeons, secretaries, underwriters, ubiquitous wives, artists and dancers and workers of every size. We study the Bible and apply God’s Word on our lives each day as our prayers are heard. We often gather for a movie, game or meal, or to celebrate birthdays with love we all feel. Come visit us soon, we have room for YOU! We’re an extended family, and we hope you’ll like us too!

Weekly Activities

Wednesday Night Men’s Bible Study –  6:30 pm

We are a group of men from all walks of life who gather on a weekly basis to study and discuss God’s Word. We range in age from men in their late 20’s to 70’s and would love for you to be part of our group. The group is doing a study of the book of Ephesians. Contact the church office for more information.

Wednesday Verse Mapping Class, Noon in the Library

Join Pastor Susan for a verse by verse, word by word exploration of the Bible. Each week a different verse is selected from throughout the scriptures and participants use online reference tools to take a self-guided deep dive into each verse to extrapolate its meaning within its context and to find the common thread weaving together God’s word.

Sunday Afternoon Spiritual Formation

Pastor Heather leads a group exploring faith practices and discipleship experiences. From guided book study to creating faith artifacts like prayer beads, this group goes beyond conversation to employ practices that awaken the heart and connect one to the movement of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday Evening Women’s Bible Study, Sundays

We do several different studies each year, generally ranging from 6 to 9 weeks in length. Each session covers a variety of topics such as the Holy Land, prayer, different books of the Bible, and more. Class members take turns facilitating the discussion.

Family Life Events

Family Life Events are events that are open to the entire congregation and our community. They are opportunities to enjoy some fun and fellowship. We will have several events throughout the year. Check out our calendar for the next Family Life event and join us. It is a great way to meet people and get connected.

Women’s Book Club

Join in this monthly book club and read the latest and greatest non-fiction books making the charts. The book blub meets on the fourth Thursday of each month in the evening.


This group of guys gathers regularly (usually once a month) to share in fun activities and conversation. Mentoring is a key focus of this group as well as a way to connect and build relationships.

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